June 29, 2009

Weekend in Woolley

Between a visit to the park, sliding down stairwells, eating bbq, moving furniture and wrestling... I'm exhausted.

Sliding down the stairwell in sleeping bags with Aidan, David & Vanessa

Aidan & Alexis
Baby dance dance revolution

David, Aidan & Vanessa
After "washing" the car with the hose, the kids decided to take a warm bath. Moments after the photo was taken, David tasted the water and threw up. Aidan and Vanessa shot out of the tub, while David just asked for more bubbles.

An afternoon in the park

Roasting marshmallows and making s'mores.

Slumber party in new pajamas, courtesy of Susanna.

Alexis is teething...

I spent the weekend with a smile on my face.

June 22, 2009

Progress of the Corn, Peas & Beans

A couple of years ago we planted corn - it sort of grew - but it was rubbery. We're hoping for better this year.

Update: It was not better.

June 18, 2009

Cereal anyone?

I'm having some fun with clay (Sculpey, to be exact) and recently made my most favorite food ever - cereal. I settled for Cheerios, since I figured that would be easier to make than Frosted Mini Wheats (I'm working up to that). While I had the "tan" clay out, I decided to make a basket of farm-fresh eggs as well.

June 17, 2009

Where have I been?!

Summer has hit Portland, and we have been taking advantage of the great weather. Mike is still training for the STP next month, which takes up most of his free time, and last weekend Pops came down so that they could do the Strawberry Century Ride down in Lebanon. I've been walking to the gym instead of driving, and checking out all the progress the neighbors have been making on their houses and yards (an interesting thing to live in a neighborhood that is slowly being made over). We've also been putting in many hours on the house, as well as paying others to put in many hours on the house (it's a wonderful, marvelous, fantastic feeling to come home from a long day at work to see progress has been made on the house, and to realize that I didn't have to do it!).

The garden is coming along; feels like we've weeded and planted acres, and there are still many beds left to plant. Many will remain to be planted until next year. All in all, it feels like busy, busy times, and we're still trying to figure out how we're going to fit it all in.

So much to do while the sun shines!

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